About the BFU

The BFU keeps people safe Portrait

As a centre of competence, the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention BFU conducts research and provides advice so that fewer serious accidents happen in Switzerland – on the roads, at home, during leisure time and sports activities. And this by public appointment since 1938.

Accidents can happen to anyone

Accidents happen every day in Switzerland. More often than not, they are minor mishaps without major consequences. But not everyone gets off so lightly – each year, over 1 million non-occupational accidents result in injuries, some of them serious. And more than 2000 people lose their lives. According to the statistics:

1 million

non-occu­pa­tio­nal accidents happen each year.

CHF 12 billion

as the total of material costs of accidents per year.


people are so badly injured that they are unable to work for 3 months or longer.

What the statistics don’t show are the people and stories behind the numbers. People who have to cope with the consequences of an accident – not just the victims themselves, but also their relatives, friends and colleagues.

The BFU: committed to safety

The good news is that many accidents can be prevented. This is why the BFU spares no effort in researching hazards and lowering accident risks through active prevention – and by public appointment since 1938. This work benefits Switzerland as a whole and the entire population; children, adults and the elderly, in rural and urban areas.

The effective accident occurrence determines the focus: the BFU is first and foremost active where many accidents with serious consequences happen. Its work is scientific and fact-based: before a preventive measure is adopted, the BFU investigates the accident cause and evaluates the safety potential.

Pioneering accident prevention

The context in which accidents occur is constantly changing, which is why the BFU doesn’t just focus on the challenges of the present. It looks ahead, investigates new accident risks and develops future-oriented action concepts that are based on scientific principles. This enables the BFU to react to developments before they become a real accident focal point.

1200 safety delegates

are working together with the BFU throughout Switzerland.

Reaching people

Even the most extensive prevention knowledge is of little use if it doesn’t reach the intended audience. This is why the BFU is committed to passing on its expertise: to decision-makers, the population, experts, schools, businesses and many other target groups. It has established a unique network of 1200 safety delegates who are active in municipalities and cities throughout the country.

Four core competences under one roof

From research to advice, from education to communication: the BFU provides accident prevention expertise from a single source. Some 130 members of staff are committed to safety in Switzerland and work closely with domestic and international partners.

Publications and Material

  • Corporate publication

    Jahresbericht 2022

    Brochure | 27 pages | 1.082
    Download PDF